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I'm a 24-year-old researcher, passionate about artificial intelligence and data processing. Born in France but smitten with Switzerland, I've set up camp in this beautiful country where I'm currently pursuing my PhD. > > My journey? A mix of academic adventures and personal discoveries: > > 🎓 From the benches of Lycée Louis-le-Grand in Paris, where I earned my baccalaureate with honors, to the labs of EPITA, I've had the chance to cross paths with inspiring mentors and brilliant friends. After 2 years of preparatory classes and 3 years at EPITA, I obtained my engineering degree and an international master's. Together, we delved into fascinating subjects like autonomous cars and hate speech detection, contributing to several scientific publications. > > 🚀 Today, I'm continuing my journey at UNIL and EPFL, under the supervision of Professor Yashraj Shrestha. I'm exploring the possibilities offered by generative AI in education, focusing on content recommendation and simplification. It's a field that fascinates me, and I can't wait to see where this research will lead us! > > But life isn't all about studies, is it? When I'm not in front of my computer, you might find me: > > 🎹 Improvising on an organ or composing on the piano (with over 15 years of practice) ♟️ Pondering my next move in chess (my ELO rating is 1950) or developing an AI to play for me (rated at 2100 ELO!) 🎭 Practicing some mentalist magic tricks 🍳 Experimenting with new recipes (perhaps with a bit too much butter...) > > I hope this little glimpse will make you want to explore this site, where I share my projects, thoughts, and sometimes even my musical compositions. Don't hesitate to contact me if you want to chat about AI, music, or simply share a good recipe! > > See you soon, perhaps, at the turn of an algorithm or a musical score! 🦦 ![[Henri - 5.jpg]] # 🚀My work ! > *The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.* > >**Brian Herbert** - [[📜My scientific publications]] - Articles and papers published in the course of my research. - [[💡My projects]] - Open-source projects I've worked on or enjoyed in Computer Sciences, Mathematics and Machine Learning. - [[🖋️My other publications]] - Articles for all tastes that I've written for my own pleasure, to share my ideas and opinions. - [[📚My article summaries]] - Notes, articles and videos that can benefit everyone, where I explain certain scientific articles in detail to make them easier to understand. # 🎺My passions > *If you can't figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose* > > **Bishop T.D. Jakes** - [[🎻Orchestral compositions]] - I learned to compose entirely on my own. This page lists the pieces that took me the most effort. Completed or unfinished symphonic compositions, theme ideas, accompaniments, re-orchestrations... You'll find it all! - [[🎹Instrumental improvisations]] - As a pianist, organist and cellist, I often improvise for at least half an hour a day: It's the most fun I've ever had! I often regret that all these creations get lost, and I sometimes record them when I have the courage. - [[🎤Songs]] - In this section, you can discover the musical interpretations that I was able to compose for the texts of a brilliant writer: my mother Elizabeth Jamet, who wrote her very sensitive songs for me so that I could imagine how to accompany them. Although I had originally intended this music for ensembles, I have done my best to sing it here accompanied only by the piano in order to respect the author's wishes. I apologise for my poor singing skills and the poor quality of the recording. Despite my best efforts, I am not a professional! I hope, however, that you will enjoy the texts as much as the music. # 📜My CV *If you'd like to get to know me in more detail! But I must warn you, dear visitor, that I don't know if this CV is completely up to date! Details of recent commits can be viewed [here](https://github.com/hjamet/My-CV)* ![[My CV.pdf]]